Ammonites, fossils and pyrite from Jurassic coast in England, Dorset and Devon, Lyme Regis, Charmouth beach.

Ammonites on my mind

My main goal in traveling to England's Jurassic coast was to search for fossils like ammonites, Belemnites, and Ichthyosaurus vertebrae. And yes, I chose the word 'search' rather than find...

Watching: The Andy Warhol Diaries

The Andy Warhol Diaries is the dictated memoirs of the American artist Andy Warhol, posthumously published. It was edited by his frequent collaborator and long-time friend, Pat Hackett, and first...

Rocks and slag stone painting, nature inspired large paintings, colorful nature inspired wall art,

We will rock you

"So what are you going to do will all those rocks?" -- this was the number one question that I got after finally getting a rock tumbler (a simple machine to...

Watching in March

1. What identical twins separated at birth teach us about genetics.   2. Blown away. Unconsciously I've been waiting for a series like this...

Abstract painting Fenne Kustermans,

Going big(ger)

The past few weeks have been all about working on larger formats both on paper and canvas. It's been a search by 'goesting' (desire) for textures, colors, a narrative, and...

TikTok artist Fenne Kustermans,

Getting on TikTok as an artist, worth it?

While I feel late to the party, I know that many people are not really aware of what TikTok is, so I'll start with a brief explanation. Wikipedia writes:" TikTok is...

Pink and blue play, digital art illustration, abstract drawing, design available at,

Pink and blue play

Lines and shapes, pink and blue, playful experiment. This design is available in my Redbubble-shop.   ...

Book about the Belgian artist James Ensor, Creative artistic inspiration,

Creative inspiration: James Ensor

While sketching, grubbing, and searching the right lines for this work, I noticed the skulls and skeletons were finding their way again into my work, and perhaps it was the...

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