Halfway between the gutter and the stars- Yeah!

Tools & textures: - V-shapes gouge. - pencils, I prefer the soft and expressive ones - etching pen - palette knife - printmaking ink: water-soluble at the moment so I can work from home and...

Kunst Academie Kontich, Gask, Antwerp Belgium, Screen printing workshop, www.Fenne.be

Alles in Wonderland (Kontich)

a place that is all about creation about inspiration and pancakes and ink mixed with decades of memories. www.academiekontich.be ...

Starting new Lino cut, printmaking, printmaker, Sweden. www.Fenne.be

That first mark

There is this specific tension, joy, and excitement when starting something new like a lino piece. While I often work without sketches and just start painting and working through the...

Fenne Kustermans illustration, making buttons, handmade pins, drawings, printmaking, www.Fenne.be

Magic Machine

  One of the fun things of being a maker is that exciting moment when the final product is ready. When sketches become a real drawing or painting in a frame,...

Sketchbook Falun model drawing, www.Fenne.be

Inside my sketchbook

I was ecstatic when Joeri found a model drawing session at the museum in Falun which is about 1h drive but so far the only place where I found something...

Kitty Crowther lecture + exhibition, Uppsala, Sweden, 2019, www.Fenne.be

Kitty Crowther, Uppsala

With sleepy eyes, I checked my phone that morning. Just before getting out of bed and getting started with the day. We already had plans, but suddenly I saw an...

Grief, loss of dogs, www.Fenne.be

Grief didn’t swallow me

Even when you expect it in some way, having to say goodbye always comes as a shock. Suddenly any later, any plans or dreams get canceled and although I couldn't...

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