Tools & textures:
- V-shapes gouge.
- pencils, I prefer the soft and expressive ones
- etching pen
- palette knife
- printmaking ink: water-soluble at the moment so I can work from home and...
There is this specific tension, joy, and excitement when starting something new like a lino piece. While I often work without sketches and just start painting and working through the...
One of the fun things of being a maker is that exciting moment when the final product is ready. When sketches become a real drawing or painting in a frame,...
I was ecstatic when Joeri found a model drawing session at the museum in Falun which is about 1h drive but so far the only place where I found something...
With sleepy eyes, I checked my phone that morning. Just before getting out of bed and getting started with the day. We already had plans, but suddenly I saw an...
Even when you expect it in some way, having to say goodbye always comes as a shock. Suddenly any later, any plans or dreams get canceled and although I couldn't...