Weekends are for making a mess in the sun, trying new things, and testing new ideas. And on these beautiful days, I've been working with leather in the energizing morning...
Scents and textures have a big impact on our wellbeing, more than we realize. I've always been very sensitive to smells, colors, or weird textures (I just can't eat mushrooms)...
A new year, a new cover for my IPad, chosen to inspire and fuel future creations but also as a bridge between the analog and digital world that sometimes feel...
Summer, that's swimming in the lakes, eating fruit from the garden, lots of sunshine and marshmallows evenings by the fire. Of that last one, I wanted to create a quick...
It's fun, easy, cheaper than printing with plastic or copper and I really like the dirty effect + I won't be able to get new art materials any time soon...