Canada goose, Canadian geese, digital procreate illustration, available as art print on, sunset, pink, orange sun, spring,

Canada goose sunset

Dreaming of traveling just like the birds when the sun chases away the cold winter dust.   This new design is available at my Redbubble shop. ...

Bright pink and purple jesmonite, silicone mold, craft photography,

Pouring bright pink and purple jesmonite

Recently I shared my very first jesmonite (terrazzo) experiments and promised some further updates. This set of 4 coasters isn't sanded yet but straight from the mold- the same silicon type...

De fanfare van honger en dorst/ Jan de Wilde, Flemish Belgian song, acrylic painting illustration,

De fanfare van honger en dorst

We liepen in Gent rond, we waren met zessen We kwamen van nergens, gingen nergens naartoe Vanaf de terrassen, in de koffiehuizen Bekeken we de mensen en hun drukke gedoe We liepen met ons...

Lars Winnerbäck Granit och Morän song lyrics inspiration. Digital Procreate illustration,

Granit och Morän

Granit och morän by Lars Winnerbäck Jag flyger över ett land Det mesta är skog Och byggvaruhus och miljonprogram Där jag fick min första kyss Där jag förlorade mitt första hjärta Det mesta är granit och morän Där...

Jesmonite Terrazzo experiments, creative hobby, sanding jesmonite, mixing terrazzo colors,

Jesmonite Terrazzo experiments

While scrubbing this Jesmonite experiment for hours, I was wondering: Why the heck do I always pick hobbies with so much sanding involved?!?!@%&$@%" :-) But I have to admit, I've had...

Fenne Kustermans art, craft and illustration, abstract artwork on Redbubble, art prints, interior decoration, wallart, phone cases, Iphone art,

New designs on Redbubble

A few new designs have found their way to the Redbubble print shop. I think that perhaps there is already a hint of spring energy rising up in my imagination,...

Fenne Kustermans artist, Sweden/Belgium. Sketchbook January 2022, sketching, drawing, Schetsboek, rocks, Denmark,

January 2022 Sketchbook

The past month, I added daily sketching back to my routine. Sometimes, when life is busy, uncertain, or challenging, sketching and doodling can feel like a waste of time. As if...

Small round leather purse, hand stitched,

Round leather purse

The first leathercraft project of this brand new year is a small round purse. Something for coins or perhaps -if you're like me- collecting rocks or other found treasures :-). With...

Leathercraft practice, glasses case in green and tan leather, hand stitched, learning at home,

Leathercraft practice: glasses case

Oh, it felt so good to be creating another little leathercraft project. There is something so calming yet exciting about the million steps to go from raw material to a...

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