Skull’s out!

In 2024, it’s been 75 years since the Belgian artist James Ensor died. Ensor 2024 is a year dedicated to his inspiring legacy and all creatives get a chance to send in work to be featured in the National Expo this summer in Brussels. After the exhibition, the works can be auctioned for charity. Only 70 artworks will be exhibited (of the 2000+ so far and I only uploaded work today), so I’m super thankful for every vote I might get.
Here you can vote for my curious midnight swimmers.
My interest in his work started many years ago when I visited a large exhibition in Ostend with my grandmother. It must have been somewhere in the 90s. I don’t know the exact year anymore but I still have the postcards we collected after every museum visit together.
When reading about the year of celebration, I started making prints inspired by his work- a very fun reason to incorporate more masks and skulls, right? 🙂
Also a big thank you to my fellow printmakers for the encouragement and kicks in the butt 😀