March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,

In March, I’ve been drawing a lot, but not that much in my sketchbook. So let’s take a look.

On Katie Moody’s Patreon, this month’s focus was sketching from life. In the first session, we drew our art materials.

March moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,

I also painted some old Duplo toys and a dinosaur. I really dislike this sketch.

80s- 90s Duplo toys painting sketch, Moleskine,

And I did one more traditional still life from a picture.

March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,

I was sent a set of paintbrushes to try from Artify and used them for a painting in my sketchbook (video below).

March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,



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For the International Day of Forests, I painted this scene from the Swedish woods:

March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,

Now onto my homework for the comic course from Stripgids.
I already shared one semi-final attempt of a cliffhanger here. But it all starts with a sketch, of course.
During the class on cliffhangers, I felt a bit left alone with a task that I didn’t fully understand. I wish we had just a bit more info/theory on what this is, what works, or some good examples. I read comics, and know it is used for series too, but as we had to start drawing right away during class, I googled the concept on my phone.

March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,

Next up was a class by Thibau Vande Voorde. Very welcoming and chill. He started with a presentation of his work and had some original sketches to show (always suuuper interesting, I think), and then we got a series of exercises.

We got short stories, just a few lines, and had to translate each one into 3 frames. I chose to always work with 3 small frames in a row, just to be able to focus on what I could be drawing instead of the how. I’m not a comic artist so I’d need more time to think about frames or other page setups.
Then for our final work/homework, we had to make a cover for one of the stories. I chose the one with the cactus.

March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, Drawing lots of different cactus shapes and searching for a good balance between the spooky aspect of the story while keeping its secret a mystery.

March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,

The theme for TJ’s Patreon this month was ‘zines’. Oh, I love making zines!
For our first session, I joined with only 30 minutes left- since I had forgotten about the switch to summer time in the USA. I scribbled as fast as I could to get something on my page for the folded zine:


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Our second session was about wildlife in Florida (where TJ lives)- and I was on time! 🙂
We had the option to go for either the folded A3 zine or a meandering one (or just draw in a sketchbook, of course). I tried the meandering one.

March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,

March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing, March Moleskine sketchbook, mixed media art, daily drawing,