January, winter wonderland

It’s been years since early winter was this cold and this beautiful. Postcard beautiful I’d say!
There isn’t much wind so the snowflakes have been balancing on the trees for weeks, making them bend under all the weight. And the best thing- for daily life- is that the snow remains fluffy so it’s not dangerously slippery, and we don’t have to deal with ice blocking the entrance, or depressing slush.
While it’s unbelievably calming and quiet on cloudy days, the real magic happens when the sun comes out to play with a stunning winter palette of cyan, orange, purple, and pink.

The winter window decoration at the studio.
Tonight the temperatures will drop even more, reaching -20*C and -22*C later this week. That means you can throw boiling water in the air and it will just turn into a cloud before reaching the Earth. The lake will probably also provide us with a concert of sounds that range between something whale-like and the snaps of a lasso. And if the cold continues long enough, the lake in the village will freeze enough to land a plane.