Inside my sketchbook (July 2023)

Another month has gone by and we’re entering the last few weeks of the Nordic summer. Sketchbook-wise, July has been a bit quiet as I’ve been working hard to fix the floors at my studio- and my hand couldn’t hold pencils after a day of sanding 🙂

Sketch for the Illustration for World Asteroid day.
This summer, I wanted to make more time to get out to draw and paint as I have been missing those quiet moments in nature, simply observing and sketching. In June there are way too many mosquitoes, but July proved to be just perfect. At least if you don’t mind running from thunderstorms.
The weather had been quite wild and all over the place. From bright and sunny to a sudden need to call the ark of Noah and everything in between.
Wobbly weather means unfinished sketches:

I’ve been very much into bugs and their wonderful colors and shapes.
The vibrant colors and summery feelings made me bring out the colored pencils again. I cycle through different techniques, color palettes, and art materials, depending on the mood, time of the year, or needs. Sometimes I don’t use certain tools for months (or even years) before falling in love again. Artists that build a whole body of work in one technique, I admire them, and often wish I could do the same. But I’m just too restless, too curious, too playful to stick with one thing. I’d rather give up chocolate than pick one art medium.
I’ve been looking for interesting books on techniques with colored pencils, but so far, I haven’t found what I’m looking for. Tips are very welcome.
What I look for are more experimental techniques, mixing colors, and textures. Certainly not realistic drawings of boring apples or cars.
Online orders can feel a bit like waiting for X-mas, right? Later this week, or perhaps next week, a package with some new art supplies will arrive and I’m súper curious! I chose some items that I think might be fun to take out/on the road.