Winter solstice

The 21 of December marks a special day with the earth’s axis tilted at the furthest point from the sun which results in super short days and long nights.
This winter solstice can also be called the hibernal solstice, a word that evokes even more associations to the always-wandering mind, but the most important aspect is without any doubt that from now on, days will only get longer. The most challenging gloomy days on which the sun never seems to wake up are behind us.
A reason to celebrate for sure!
Besides a feast to welcome back the light, these days are also the start of a new cycle, a new journey around the sun, and withal the energy of winter invites us to lean into reflection and stillness before the earth wakes up again. We can charge our batteries and develop plans for growth into the spring light.
But first, we celebrate. To glorious endings and exciting new beginnings.