Spring destruction

I’ve been curiously waiting all winter to see the flowers that I planted come out. In September, we started our Valborg-garden-project, transforming a weed-covered corner of our garden into a terrace with a fire pit. Surrounding the terrace, I planted different kinds of flower bulbs to bring color into early spring and summer.
It was all nicely coming together with the terrace almost finished, hedges and herbs planted, and the beautiful flowers as a colorful centerpiece.
Then one morning- it wasn’t even on my weather report- a storm changed it all. I have never seen anything like this here in Sweden, not even during the winter. Cannonballs of hail tormenting frail leaves, flowers, and fresh twigs. Behind the living room window, I saw the flowers being destroyed, and the small bushes struggling.
The artist in me was pleasantly surprised with the beautiful color palette of soft greens, pink and white ice- something you don’t see that often- but the gardener in me was filled with sadness. All the work. The beautiful colors- gone. Much of the apple tree blossoms got destroyed too so I have no idea if there will be any fruit this autumn.
Gardening in Belgium was definitely easier. There are vegetables that I haven’t been able to grow since moving here, frost is always a risk, and to be sure, you always have to check which plants can endure a harsh winter. This spring, I’ve only sowed peas, because they are my absolute favorite summer snack and they always work no matter the kind of summer we get. I’m also expecting blueberries, raspberries, and small strawberries.
One hint of gardener’s optimism is that in another spot, I saw some new flowers coming out, a different color, but definitely as beautiful.