Oct 2021
Årsunda Vikingagård

In our road trip book, this location was mentioned as an attraction for children as, during the summer months, there are a lot of Viking-related activities like crafts and games in this Viking village (more info here). But now, on a moody autumn day, there isn’t a soul,… well, except for a few haunted souls that have been left behind perhaps.
When Joeri stopped the car, I wasn’t sure at first but there were no other people, dogs seemed to be allowed, and woohoo skulls!
Found this door very inspiring 🙂
One of the dogs (Lizzie) was confused by this sculpture. She didn’t seem to be sure that it wasn’t alive :-)- well, we all know dogs have sharper senses…
The address: Årsundavägen 899, 810 22 Årsunda