Feb 2017
After the evening of sketching model Trixie, my head felt like it was exploding. Ideas rushing around, screaming for attention. And there is no way ignoring the call of creating 🙂
First step: making a quick selection, separating rubbish from useful. Then making black and white copies of a few to use as a foundation for the etches.
Some drawings are just fine, others carry a lot of (well hidden sometimes) potential when transformed into another medium.

Three dry point etches.
Then I made 3 etches based on the sketches, using plastic and oil based ink (soon I’ll experiment with water based). I wanted to use the etches to make a screen print from, but changed my mind since most of my etches are a bit ‘grimy’ and not mimicking this in another medium would give me more freedom.
Going back to the original sketches a few were adapted to be used in the next step: screen printing.

* I had a teacher who wanted to have some bright yellow in every design possible. When facing a dead end, I just threw in a shot of bubbling yellow to make her content again…